Keep 'Em Busy

(Oviedo, FL -October 2001)Book stores are full of children's and sports activitiy books. Finally! Here's one primarily for adults--with a section for kids and special events. Keep 'Em Busy is a "must have" 90 page, self-help guide for all Recreation Directors,Meeting Planners and Activity Coordinators for all ages.

Linda S. Humphrey, journalist, recreation director and entertainer for more than 25 years, shares hundreds of secrets for successful events for adults and kids, from dressing up a building to finding costumes for a 50-cast variety show. Many "how-to" ideas for keeping those over 50--or under 10--busy. Here are a few samples of the hundreds of ideas you'll find in Keep 'Em Busy:

  • Turn your building, parking lot or home into a cruise ship, complete with a ship's captain, music, food and games
  • How to get free guest speakers and a variety of programs for your guests or residents
  • Modify adult activities for busy children
  • Appreciate your volunteers more than ever & show them

For more information, or to order Keep 'Em Busy, (Day to Day Enterprises, $12.95) call 407-568-1460 or 407-359-9356